The worldwide Pandemic and lockdown utterly changed the face of American social and corporate life. Forced to stay in our houses for months caused an unprecedented trend towards dependency on digital platforms. But even now, Americans’ face-to-face interactions take a back seat more and more to social media.
1)Social Media causes increase in Anxiety and Depression
Social media offers real time access to current news and events going on around the world. Thus, this constant exposure to tragedies and catastrophes occurring globally can be unsettling. The amount of people struggling with anxiety and depression has dramatically risen since lockdown began in 2022.
2)Social Media causes decrease in face-to-face interactions
Due to government mandates, social distancing became a way of life during the Pandemic. Consequently, this meant a massive drop in human interactions in Americans’ day to day lives. Digital social apps became a huge tool of communication with loved ones and strangers alike. But studies show that even social media interaction cannot replace face-to-face socialization. Even though the Pandemic is over, reliance on communication apps continues to rise. This means a steady decrease in actual human interactions.
3)Pressure to gain social clout
In the digital age we live in, the pressure to become popular via apps like YouTube, Instagram, or TikTok only grows daily. The Pandemic accelerated this trend. These platforms, especially TikTok, gained millions of users seeking a boost in serotonin and companionship while in lockdown. With nothing to do but stay at home all day, many began to see social media apps as their ticket to popularity and success during the Pandemic. It became the hot new scene since high school and college starting going virtual. All the issues plaguing modern schools like bullying and worship of popularity transferred to social media platforms.
If you are struggling with your mental health and want answers, begin by discovering the right healthcare provider for you.