You may have heard of a popular supplement called melatonin that you can take as gummies or pills at night to get a deeper, sounder sleep. But melatonin shouldn’t be the only solution you look to for a good night’s sleep. Here are five other ways you can try to get the most out of your rest each night.
1)Stay consistent
Smartphones now offer a feature where you can set your bedtime. Why? Because consistency is key when it comes to developing healthy sleep patterns for an optimal rest. Every night, try to go to bed at the same time. Studies show that this results in a deeper, more restful sleep.
2)Put away any devices
Blue light from screens, whether it is TV, your phone, or a computer, can decrease the quality of your sleep and make you more restless during the night. Thus, scientists recommend putting away any devices about an hour before bed and winding down without blue light.
3)Avoid caffeine in the late afternoon
This should be a given. Caffeine stimulates the mind, so avoid drinking any caffeinated drinks in the late afternoon for a better rest at night. Many who have drank coffee or something similar at night have experienced difficulty falling asleep and/or staying asleep. Studies show that those who refrain from caffeine later in the day have improved quality of sleep.
4)Exercise daily
Regular exercise is recommended by experts for a better rest a night. Not only does daily exercise help with overall wellness, but it also leads to a better sleep at night because your body will need rest after strenuous activity.
5)Don’t eat a large meal before bed
Eating a large meal before bed can lead to indigestion while you are trying to fall asleep. Experts recommend a light, healthy meal before bedtime to promote quality sleep.
While melatonin is an accessible supplement promising a deeper sleep, there are so many other ways to improve your nightly rest. Another way to sleep better at night? Knowing your insured with the best possible healthcare plan is sure to make it easier to relax. Start today by getting a free quote!