Many people hear the word “cholesterol” and are scared, but it is an often misunderstood topic. Cholesterol is a waxy, fat-like substance that is within everyone’s cells. While many think limiting cholesterol is best, it is an essential part of one’s diet—which is why people must know the right foods to eat and the ones to avoid. Too much cholesterol within the body can be damaging, so this blog will explore the best and worst foods for cholesterol to ensure you can maintain a healthy diet.

The best foods to lower your cholesterol
There are several ways that you can lower your cholesterol within your diet. A diet with plenty of fruits, vegetables, beans, whole grains, and good fats can help lower what many have labeled bad cholesterol. Many doctors also recommend a diet rich in avocados, olive oil, fiber-rich foods like beans and oats, and omega-3 fatty acids to balance one’s cholesterol. These are excellent items to incorporate into your diet to lower bad cholesterol and improve overall health.
Healthy foods that are high in cholesterol
While many will want to avoid cholesterol altogether, some beneficial foods should be incorporated to encourage good cholesterol in one’s body. Some of the best foods rich in good cholesterol are eggs, cheese, shellfish, pasture-raised steak, organ meats, sardines, and full-fat yogurt. Eggs are known to be one of the most nutritious foods available, making them an excellent inclusion in anyone’s diet. Avocados are another fantastic food that should be incorporated to raise good cholesterol levels. Adding two servings of avocados weekly can lower people’s risk of heart disease. Whey protein is another food that many suggest because of the studies that show how its integration into people’s diets leads to health benefits like lowered cholesterol and improved blood pressure.
Worst foods for cholesterol health
Several foods should be avoided entirely because of their cholesterol content and poor nutritional value. As you might expect, processed meat is one due to its high sodium content, but fried foods are also essential to cut from one’s plate. Fast food also makes this list for many reasons, as it is a significant contributor to high cholesterol and other diseases. Furthermore, many doctors also share that dessert is another item that should be limited or replaced with other healthy alternatives. Dishes like cake, ice cream, pastries, and more can have added sugars and unhealthy cholesterol, contributing to further health challenges. While many may want to cut out sugary desserts, having a little here and there is essential for a balanced diet.
Final tips for optimal cholesterol health
By adhering to the prescribed recommendations, people can achieve optimal cholesterol and even lower some of the high cholesterol, which harms their health. Foods like eggs and pasture-raised steak can be great for people to enjoy optimal health, but everyday food and sugary sweets can be damaging. However, following a balanced diet, exercising portion control, and creating sustainable eating patterns are essential. By crowding out bad foods with good items on your plate, you can encourage healthier eating habits while ensuring longevity for many years.