Inflammation can be challenging, even though it is part of the body’s defense and repair systems. In the short term, inflammation can be helpful to ward off infection, but chronic inflammation damages the body. Several lifestyle changes can support a healthier immune system and a healthier inflammatory response to reduce chronic inflammation. While many think it is a matter of not smoking or eating fried foods, this blog will cover even more to help you limit chronic inflammation to enjoy a better quality of life.

Eat according to the anti-inflammatory diet
Eating according to the anti-inflammatory diet is one of the best ways to limit inflammation. Whole nutrient-rich foods help reduce free radicals in the body, which limits inflammation. Limiting refined carbohydrates, soda, red meat, and margarine in your diet can reduce inflammation. It is recommended to prioritize vegetables like broccoli and kale, fruits like berries and pomegranates, high-fat fruits like avocados and olives, nuts, dark chocolate, green tea, and more. These can be excellent foods that fight inflammation and support your overall wellness.
Incorporate regular exercise into your routine
Another integral way to lower inflammation is to incorporate exercise into your routine. Moving your body can be an excellent way to lower the markers for inflammation, and any movement will work. Many turn to stress-busting exercises like yoga or walking, while some might prefer an intense cardio training session that lowers their stress. Some recommend at least thirty minutes of activity for five days a week and some strength training to ensure your body is primed to fight against inflammation.
Ensure you manage your stress
Stress can be a significant influence on the degree of inflammation that you may be dealing with. Therefore, incorporating some de-stressing exercises can be extremely powerful in fighting inflammation. Some of the best methods include taking a gentle yoga class, doing breathing exercises, or even incorporating meditation and other forms of mindfulness into your routine. Even a few minutes a day can calm your nerves, relax you, and help you limit your potential inflammation.
Prioritize quality sleep for your health
One of the common causes of inflammation is not getting enough sleep. Besides changing your lifestyle to incorporate more exercise, consider implementing more relaxing nighttime routines to ensure you get enough rest. As many doctors have shared, getting at least eight hours of sleep per night is optimal and can reduce inflammation and come with a whole host of other benefits that will improve your health over time.
Make changes to limit inflammation in your body
By changing your routine and taking the time to eat a proper diet, you can ensure your health improves in the long term and reduce your potential for inflammation. While initially might seem complicated, these changes will help you stop acute inflammation while limiting chronic conditions that could lead to further health challenges. For more information about reducing inflammation, visiting your doctor to discuss your unique situation and any changes you would like to make to your health is always recommended.