4 Ways Nature Can Improve Your Mental Health

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It’s no secret that spending time in nature can improve your mental and physical health.

A cool breeze. Warm sunlight touches your face. Just a couple of minutes of looking at green space in your daily life can keep you healthy. Even if you are in a city setting surrounded by steel, you can still benefit from a brisk walk around the neighborhood. 

Here are four ways that nature can improve your mental health: 

1. Makes you more creative

Taking breaks outside can improve creativity because it allows us to be more open-minded. Just being out in nature also gives us more time to think about what we want to do next versus focusing on everyday tasks like checking email or answering phone calls at work (which often stifles creative thinking.) This means we get better results. So, unplug from tech every now and then and reset your own mental focus and creativity. 

2. Improves your mood

Spending time outside makes us feel happier and more positive about life. “Spending time in nature has cognitive benefits, but it also has emotional and existential benefits…” says Cynthia Frantz, PhD, professor of psychology and environmental studies at Oberlin College. This is because natural environments make us feel connected with other people, animals, and plants around us. Going for walks with your favorite companions is a great way to maintain mental and physical health. 

3. Makes you nicer

Sometimes sunshine and fresh air are exactly what the body needs to process data and communication. Many studies have shown that those who engaged in outdoor activity collaborated better afterward. These behaviors are present from grade school children to business professionals. They cooperated faster and made more empathic decisions. 

4. Helps you relax

Quality time in nature creates a calming reaction that reduces stress, anxiety, and depression. Greatly decreasing the risk of mental illness and social and sleep disorders. Take a moment for yourself. Enjoy the sights, smells, and sounds produced by nature.

It’s so easy to get caught up with work and personal obligations. However, you need to remember to take breaks and go outside. So, get out there and explore! Your body and mind will thank you!

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