In the U.S. today, strokes cause the majority of health complications. Recognizing the early signs of a stroke could be key in preventing serious injuries or fatalities from occurring. It could mean the difference in life or death, or mitigating severe effects caused by strokes.Â
Early warning signs of a stroke can be subtle. But equipping yourself with knowledge of these tells is crucial to saving yourself or a loved one.
Keep an eye out for:
- Intense migraines
- Loss of vision or impaired vision in one or both of the eyes
- Numbness in the facial muscles
- Numbness or sudden weakness in a leg or arm
- Slurring speech or brain fog
- Comprehension impairment, difficulty understanding
- Increased dizziness or difficulty with walking
Keep the FAST acronym in mind if you suspect the onset of a stroke:
F – Facial muscles drooping or numb
A – Arm weakness or impairment–inability to use an arm or lift it up
S – Slurred speech
T – Time to call 911 and get access to the necessary medical attention
Being able to identify the early signs of a stroke means you can seek medical attention earlier in such a scenario. If you or someone in your family is worried about health insurance coverage and want to learn your options, reach out to a Healthedly agent by calling 855-522-2201.